“Astral Art therapeutic Workshops” With Dayna Connolly & Bridget steed


“Astral Art Therapeutic Workshops” combine astrology & the principles of expressive arts therapy to explore your soul’s purpose and archetypes. Workshops involve mini-chart reads, with a focus on your sun, moon and rising signs, and an exploration of how these energies desire to be expressed through you using the expressive arts. In this deep immersion of self-discovery, we will be playing, creating, painting, and collaging a unique piece of art that you can take home to serve as a reflection of the undeniably unique beauty you embody! You will also receive a birth chart print-out with a planetary symbols key.

Astral Art Therapeutic Workshops are co-facilitated by Astrologer Dayna Connolly, and licensed mental health counselor & Expressive Arts Therapist Bridget Steed in and around Ashland, Oregon.

Upcoming workshops:

stay tuned!

Past workshops:

*February 15, 5-7pm @ The miner’s bazaar

235 e california st, jacksonville, OR

Register by February 14th at: https://www.theminersbazaar.com/new-events/2020/2/15/astral-art-therapy-workshop

*November 21, 7-9pm @ BESTOw

1606 Ashland Street, Ashland, OR

Register at: https://www.bestowandbloom.com


“We Are Stardust”

By Bridget Steed